Manutenção de Jardins/ Garden Maintenance Services

Luz- Lagos

Luz- Lagos

Luz- Lagos

Albardeira- Lagos


Burgau- Lagos


* Contacte-nos para um orçamento de Manutencão e conservação do seu jardim.

* Mesmo que já tenha solicitado um orçamento a outra entidade não hexite em pedir-nos uma opinião, podemos ter a solução para o seu problema.

* Colocamo-nos à disposição para nos fazer uma consulta:


Tlm: 931 783 724
Devolvemos a vida do seu jardim...

The type of work that we provide, being a qualified engineer in this area , consists not only on mowing the lawn or trimming the hedges, as well other kind of services like:

- adequate disease and pest control, using the right products;
- real correspondence between the time paid and the time done at the garden;
- adequate nutrient deficiencies corrections;
- technical solutions for soil problems, like bad drainage, poor nutrient soil or other;
- adequate treatment of lawn diseases and other problems;
- accurate fertilizer applications and other products;
- adequate pruning techniques, staking trees and other tasks;
- adjustment of irrigation times to real plant needs, considering the soil type and avoiding water lost;
- plant reposition when needed, choosing the right plants for the different sunlight or soil conditions on garden;
- technical support and client personal assistance on request, giving the proper recommendations or solutions for questions or problems that can occur.

In resume, using our expertise knowledge and practical experience, we can provide adequate solutions to various situations or problems, resulting in a more accurate and professional gardening or just consultant service, at a more competitive price.